mOndAy bLuEs...mOndAy bLuEs...!!
hEy pEePs..
hOpE u'rE dOiNg fiNe..
tOdAy iS mY PIC CA1 pAPer,
tHe qUesTiOn iS aCtuallY eAsy bUt wE sTill cAn'T meMorize tHe anSwers. PerhAps, tHe anSwEr iS all fRoM tHe bOOk. aIyOh!
wEll, mY fRienDs & mYseLf tRiEd tO wInK oR aSked eaCh oThEr fOr thE ansWers bUt oUr teAchEr iS tOo sMarT..hE AlwaYs sTaNd aRouNd oUr arEa..haHa! dOeSn't givE cHanCe aT aLL.. :-)
i tHinK mY clAsSmatEs iS tRyInG tO dO thE samE..Yeah..i sTill remEmbEr tHe pHrAsE..aLL FoR onE, oNe foR aLL...
aFtEr oUr papErs, weNt doWn tO mAcDonald's tO compLetE oUr proJects.
sTay theRe fOr a whiLe & wE leaVe. LuCkilY, 'nYonYa wiReLeSs' tU takDe laGi. I thInk tHaT aunT weNt fOr cOmPuteR courSe alReadY. HaHa!
wEll, thIs cOminG 12 dEcemBer...tHere wiLL bE a bOwlIng aCtIvItY fOr aLL BIT YeaR 1 & 2. tHe eVenT wiLL bE aT wEsT cOAsT rEcreaTiOnaL...mY fRiEnDs iS sTill deciDing whEtHer thEy aRe goiNg Or noT.
I haVe deciDeD tO gO fOr tHe evEnTs eVenthougH mY fRiENds iS nOt aRoUnd. hOpEfUllY iT wIll tuRn oUt tO bE fUn..yEaH..cAn'T waIt fOr tHat mOmeNt.
oK dEn..i gTg nOw. wIll uPdaTe mY bLoG sOon aGaiN.
tAkE cAre alWaYs pEePs..
rEmEmbEr tO sMiLe alWaYs...cOz wHen u sMilE...u'll fEeL hApPy & eNjoY lIfE eVen iF u'rE hAvInG a hArD lIfE.
mY fEeLiNGs,
hOpE u'rE dOiNg fiNe..
tOdAy iS mY PIC CA1 pAPer,
tHe qUesTiOn iS aCtuallY eAsy bUt wE sTill cAn'T meMorize tHe anSwers. PerhAps, tHe anSwEr iS all fRoM tHe bOOk. aIyOh!
wEll, mY fRienDs & mYseLf tRiEd tO wInK oR aSked eaCh oThEr fOr thE ansWers bUt oUr teAchEr iS tOo sMarT..hE AlwaYs sTaNd aRouNd oUr arEa..haHa! dOeSn't givE cHanCe aT aLL.. :-)
i tHinK mY clAsSmatEs iS tRyInG tO dO thE samE..Yeah..i sTill remEmbEr tHe pHrAsE..aLL FoR onE, oNe foR aLL...
aFtEr oUr papErs, weNt doWn tO mAcDonald's tO compLetE oUr proJects.
sTay theRe fOr a whiLe & wE leaVe. LuCkilY, 'nYonYa wiReLeSs' tU takDe laGi. I thInk tHaT aunT weNt fOr cOmPuteR courSe alReadY. HaHa!
wEll, thIs cOminG 12 dEcemBer...tHere wiLL bE a bOwlIng aCtIvItY fOr aLL BIT YeaR 1 & 2. tHe eVenT wiLL bE aT wEsT cOAsT rEcreaTiOnaL...mY fRiEnDs iS sTill deciDing whEtHer thEy aRe goiNg Or noT.
I haVe deciDeD tO gO fOr tHe evEnTs eVenthougH mY fRiENds iS nOt aRoUnd. hOpEfUllY iT wIll tuRn oUt tO bE fUn..yEaH..cAn'T waIt fOr tHat mOmeNt.
oK dEn..i gTg nOw. wIll uPdaTe mY bLoG sOon aGaiN.
tAkE cAre alWaYs pEePs..
rEmEmbEr tO sMiLe alWaYs...cOz wHen u sMilE...u'll fEeL hApPy & eNjoY lIfE eVen iF u'rE hAvInG a hArD lIfE.
mY fEeLiNGs,
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