Saturday, February 16, 2008

The 7 tHinGs iN mY liFe!!

Seven THINGS that scares me :-
1. Croaches
2. Worms
3. Maggots
4. Bee
5. Big/Red Ants
6. Dragonfly
7. Lizards

Seven THINGS I like most:-
1. Mini Poppers Chocolate Ice-Cream
2. Lamborgini Cars
3. Mazda Cars
4. Lexus Cars
5. mY Laptop
6. Arcade
7. Silat-Martial Art

Seven important things in my room:-
1. My Bed
2. My TV
3. My Radio
4. My Laptop
5. My Red rOund Pillows
6. My Fav Bear
7. My Alarm Clock

Seven random facts about me :-
1. Shy, Quiet & Reserved
2. Crying
3. Singing
4. Sratched my body like mOnkey
5. Eating alOts
6. Go rOunding wif my fRiends
7. Cool, Chill & ShOcked

Seven things I plan to do before I die :-
1. Travel to my fav country alOne
2. HelP mY parents
3. Enjoy life with my friends
4. Change mY image fRom head to toe
5. Find a guy before reaching the age 25
6. Buy new house wif my own money
7. Open an animal organization juz for other pets!

Seven things I can't do :-
1. Be a baby again
2. Pass mY napFa test
3. Please eVeryone in this wOrld
4. Meet Miss Chua as often like before
5. Meet all the CARE ex-teachers
6. Get 3.5 or 4 GPA Points
7. Smoking, Gambling & Drinking cOs dats a bad thIngs to do!!!

Seven things I say the most :-
1. Damn!!
2. Haiz...suSah betul hidup kat Singapore!.(Its difficult to live in Singapore)
4. 4 letter wOrds...L.A.M.E!!!
5. aRRRRRRhh!!!
6. WateVer!!!
7. StUpid!!


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