a mEmOraBle mOmeNt!! "sOb sOb">>>>i'm eMo!!!
iTs hAd beeN a lOnG tiMe
sinCe i uPdaTe mY blOg
yeAh alOt oF thinGs haPpeneD
aLL thIs iS A teStiNg mE tO bE
sTrOng, keEp foCusiNg & cOnfiDenCe
aBoVe aRe sOme oF tHe geNtiNg hiGhlAnds pIcS!!!
dO taKe a lOok...
GenTing hiGhlaNd tRip wAs daMn fUn
a 3 daYs 2 niGhtS tRip
wIll bE a mEmOraBle One fOr me
tHe mOmEnt speNd wIf mY fRieNds
wAs sO gReat
iT wAs sO stRess-fRee tHere
wHen iN sinGapOre
stRess caMe baCk tO oUr miNds
wEll, riGht nOw seaRchIng fOr jOb
a paRt-tiMe jOb
befOre i reAlly gEt seRioUs wIf a staBle jOb
maNy thiNgs ruNning thrOugh mY miNd
yEs..i dO shEd inTo teaRs
cOs i nEed tO lEt iT gO oFF mY mInd
sHaring wIf mY fRienDs dO heLp
bUt i stIll neEd tO bRing mYself uP tO beGin nEw chaPter iN liFe
cOs i'm fOr mYseLf
NobOdy cAn jUdge mE
oR pLan mY futuRe fOr mE
On tHe jOuRney oF mY liFe
i dO mEt nEw fRienD
a fRienD wHo gaVe mE suPpOrT
liKe oTheRs
hOpefUlly oUr fRienDshIp wIll laSt lOng
wEll, i hOpe tO aChieVe mY dReamS
oNe dAy
Dat oNe mOmeNt wIll maKe mE a beTTer peRsOn In liFe
i'M miSsIng sOmeOne In mY liFe baDlY
i wOndEr wIll dAt peRsOn reMembeR mE
i waNt tO cRy On yOur shOulDer
i waNt tO heAr tHe wiSdOm wOrDs
fRom yOur mOuth
dAt iS sTh i mIss mIss mIss sO muCh
u alWays sAid tO mE
"NaqKiah, u gOt tO bE stRonG
onCe u OvErcOme tHe maTTerS, u'll reaLiSe tHe pOtential iN u...
hOw stRonG u'Re iN handLing yOur pRoblEm,
iTs hOw u hanDle iT!"
i wIll alwAys reMembeR tHe wOrds
tRulY dAt wAs sO meanIngfUl fOr mE
Ohh gOsh! i'M gettIng eMo
dAt iS sTh i dOn't wiSh tO bE
bUt i gOt nO chOiCe
i haVe tO thInk pOsItIvE
thiNk oN a bRiGht siDe
dOn't bE neGatiVe
i wIll giVe mY beSt
i'm reaDy tO faCe tHe cHallenGes
oUt theRe!
i wIll pRove tO u
i cAn suCcesS iN liFe!
To mY fRienDs wHo wIll bE enteRing pOlyteChniCs
gOoD luCk tO u all
mAy u all enJoY yOur liFe iN pOly
& suCceSs alwaYs!
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