PoOr kIttY
hEy PeePs..
hOpe u aRe haVing a gOoD weeKends..
tOday, sTh haPpened
lEt mE shaRe wiF u gUys wAt actUally happeNed
i weNt tO juRong pOint bAnQuet
aS i deCided tO bOught sOme fOoD fOr diNneR
aFter i bOught tHe fOod
stRaight aWay tOoK a bUs hOme
afteR aLighting frOm tHe bUs
i haVe tO waLk hOme fOr aBt 10mIns
sO i haVe tO gO thRough a fEw blOcks
befOre reaChing mY blOck
wHen i wAlk paSs thIs paRticular blOck
i sAw a kittEn aT tHe dOorstep Of a hOuse at leVel 1
tHe kittEn wAs cuTe
bUt unfOrtunelY tHe kittEn leFt haNd wAs inJured
i beLieve dAt tHe kittEn iS a feMale
sHe cAn't pUt hEr hAnd dOwn
& tHe kiTten lOok aT mE & saId
i reAlly reAlly piTy tHe kittEn
i wAs sO tOuched wHen i lOoKed aT tHe kittEn
sO i quiCkly ruShed hOme
& gRab tHe cAt fOoD
i wEnt dOwn aGain tO fEeD tHe kittEn
wHen i caMe, tHe kittEn quiCkly cAme tO mE
sHe wAs hunGry sO i fEed hEr
bUt tHen i deCided
tO bRing hOme tHe kittEn
i wIll maKe suRe dAt tHe kittEn iS wEll aGain
& i wIll realeaSe tHe kItten baCk
dEaR kittY,
pleaSe gEt weLL sOoN
& tO whOever wHo haVe hUrt u
i wiSh thAt perSon wIll gEt tHe sAme puniShment
oR eVen dOuble tHe puniShment
mAy mY wiSh cOme trUe.
sOmetimes i reAlly dOn't underStand
wHy dO u haVe tO hUrt tHe kittEn
wHen tHe kittEn iS nOt diSturbing u
iSn't dAt iS a stUpid aCt.
dAmn peOple oUt tHere wHo dOes tHis kiNd oF thIngs
pleaSe stOp theSe stuPid aCts
pleaSe stOp theSe stuPid aCts
cOz u will gEt tHe saMe retriBution fRom gOd
sOoNer oR lAtter!
laST QuOte fRoM mE,
CaTs lOver