Thursday, May 22, 2008

sO daMn freaKo!

hEy hI!!
i'm baCk wIf blOggIng
tOdaY watChed cOngKak wif mY bUddY
thaNks bUddy fOr the cOmPanY
yOu aRe mY beSt pAl eVer!
yOu aRe alwaYs theRe whEn i neeD yOu!
cOngKak waS nOt sCaRy at all
bUt it jUz tHe stOrylIne bettEr thAn JPB!
PluS the sOund imPaCt makE it sCaRy
thAts all!
i tOt it wIll be sO daMn sCaRy liKe manY saY
tmR wIll bE gOing oUt wIf famiLy
whOle daY wOn't be hOme
sAt neeD tO gO relaTive hOuSe
at tamPines
sO daMn faR
neeD tO atteNd tO sOme funCtiOns
twO daYs fUll of pLans
i lOve gOing oUt wIf mY famIly
eSp wIf mY mOm
cOz shE wIll paY fOr mY fOods & dRinKs
nOw, onLy neeD tO fOcuS on lOoKing
fOr jObs..
sO daMn diffiCult
what tO dO..
thaT's liFe in sinGapOre
fOr nOw...
i realiSe nObOdy undeRstand me
eVen the clOse peRson tO me
i thiNk thIs iS whAt i called
I waS bOrn tO be a lOner
u wIll neVer unDerStand
hOw a lOner feeLs!
if u'Re nOt meaNt tO bE mY fRiend
i wIll let yOu gO
faR aWay fRom mY life!
Ok then..
tIll the neXt pOst!


Thursday, May 15, 2008

*aLL i wAnt iS caRe & cOnceRn...*

heY yO!
waT's uP??!
i haVe nOt been blOggiNg fOr qUite sOme tiMe
wEll, fOr tHe paSt feW daYs i'm siCk
nOw i'm fEeLing bettEr
aT laSt!
Hmm...laSt weeK i gOt tO meEt cUtie shaKira
i didN't gEt a chanCe tO meEt heR
fOr sOme mOmEnt
sHe's gettIng smaRter nOw
sHe cAn saY tHe woRd flOweR, cAt, dOg, etC..
sO adOraBle!
i loVe & miSs u cUtie shaKiRa!
tHen tHe neXt daY...
i aCcOmPanY mY aUnt gO tO pOlyCliNic
aiYoh! sO daMn lOng...
reaCh aT theRe aRounD 8am plUs
settLe eveRythIng
thEn reaCh aT mY aUnt hOuSe aT 12plUs
iN the aFteRnOon
weLL...aBoUt mY peRsOnal liFe
i cAn sEe the chAnGe in eVerYbOdy thAt i knOw
eVen mY familY memBers
i dOn't reaLLy bOthEr aBt thAt
bUt liKe i saId
i jUz neEd caRe & cOnCern
fRom fAmilY & fRienDs
hOw i wiSh i cAn tuRn baCk tIme
wheRe i'm yOung & neVer unDerStand
bUt oF cOz i cAn't lOr cOs
wheRe gOt suCh thIngs haPpen..
sO daMn fUnnY!
Ok...i wIll lOok fOr jOb sOon
aFter i gEt 100% wEll
aCtUallY i cAn't waIt tO watCh 'cOngKak'
a nEw maLay ghOst mOvie
i simPly loVe hOrrOr mOvIe
daRe tO maKe mE sCream wHen watChiNg mOvie
tRy mE lOr..
i wOn't sCream deFinatelY! =p
Ok...i wAnt tO cOnVey sTh tO mY buddY
hEy chUbbY fifi..i'm sO sOrrY fOr nOt
sPenDing time
wIf u reCently
Of cOz i miSs tO gO oUt wiF u
bUt i wIll deFinatelY meEt yOu oNe daY
oK buddY!
i reaLLy tReaSuRe oUr fRienDship
eVen iF i neVer shOw it tO yOu
u haVe alwaYs been sO unDerStanDing
thAnk yOu sO muCh
i hOpe u will fInd the tRue haPpineSs iN yOur liFe!
lOve u alwaYs buddY!
tO mY deaRest sIs
thaNks fOr beIng mY fRiend
i hOpe the fRiendShip we bUild
wIll laSt lOng
i pRomiSe i wIll staY happY
& pOsitiVe alwaYs
liKe i saId
i need yOu
& deFinatelY u neEd me tOo riGht!
i miSs them tOo
sinCe didn't meEt mY fRienDs
fOr quIte sOme tIme
i hOpe theY wIll stAy haPpy alwaYs
wIf waTever theY dO
inSyallah amIn!
i lOve mY famIly
eSpeCiallY mY mOm & dad
withOut tHem i wOn't be heRe
in thiS wOrld
withOut bOth oF u
i wOn't be able tO see
staRs oR mOon
liGht oR daRk
i will rePay yOur kinDness
uNtil tHe end oF mY liFe
nOthing can maKe yOu haPpY exCept
lOve, haPpIness & caRing!
l simPly lOve mY familY!
stAy wIf uS fOrever
untIL the enD oF oUr life
sWeet, haPpy oR sAd
alSo liKe a cOmPaniOn tO uS
sO dO tReaSuRe
all the memOrieS
wE haD!
the teSts u pUt uS thRoUgh
maKes Us stRonger
& maKes uS clOser tO u
eaCh tiMe we faCe yOu
we shed teaRs
& beg fOr yOur fOrgiveneSs
daT shOws hOw muCh we neeD yOu
eveRytime we walK
we cAn see the staRs fOllowing On us
it shOws hOw muCh yOu lOve uS
thanK yOu ALLAH!
yOu aRe the gReateSt & nOthing can
defeat yOu
& tO whOever thinKs
theY aRe GOD...
theY aRe wRong
mY laSt wOrd tO yOu
pleaSe bRing uS tO the cOrreCt path
thRoughOut the jOuRney
we'll be gOing thrOugh
insYallah amIn!
well...i gOtta stOp heRe
c Ya sOon
untIl the neXt pOst
taKe caRe peEps!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

sAd..lOnelY..boRed tO deAth!!!

hEy hI!

mY pOst wIll bE a shOrt oNe thIs tiMe
i'm miSsIng thOse impOrtAnt peOples in mY liFe
wEll, i juSt waNt tO fOrGet eveRytHing
liFe's sO meanIngleSs fOr me nOw
feel liKe enDing mY liFe nOw
aBt tMr...i wIll bE taKing mY ceRt iN sChOol
hOpefUlly tHe ceRt iS reaDy fOr cOlleCtiOn
wIll be baCk blOggIng sOon
daMn eMo nOw.