Wednesday, December 12, 2007

bOwliNg aCtiVitY wAs a blAst!!!!

hEy yA!

yEstErdAy wAs sO buSy & dOn't haVe tiMe tO uPdate mY bLog.

fiNally gOt tiMe tO uPdate.

Oh gOsH!!

Well, tOday i reallY enJoyeD mYself..

enJoyed plaYing bOwling @ weSt cOast bOwl cenTre..

i reallY plaY badLy & i geT thE lOweSt sCore aMong all mY

frienDs bUt aT leaSt i triEd.

i'M haPpY fOr dAt!

mY claSsmAtes dO teacH mE tHe techNiqueS hOw tO bOwl

YeaH..I dO gEt sOmE aDvises fRom tHem.

tHkS gUyS! hAhA!

wE pLayed fOr fEw hoUrs

& iT wAs sO sO sO sO uNbelieVable tHat mY cLass caMe iN aS tHe 1St plAce aNd cHampion!!!
CongRats KM!!!
i lOve KM...hahaha!!
aT fiRst wE aRe sHockEd wHen tHe teAchEr pronOunCed tHe reSults..

wE paUsed fOr sOme mOments

& thEn wE shOut HoOrAy!!!

hAhA...all Of uS wAs sO haPpY!!!

wE gEt bOwliNg vOucher

& i thiNk i gOnna uSe dAt vOucher tO plaY bOwling wiTh mY cUZzYs..hEhE!

whiLe waitiNg fOr mY tUrn..

i sAw sOme pHrases dAt i thiNk iS uSeful

heRe's tHe phRase:-

--->pAsSion iS wheRe eVeryYthiNg bEginS

--->ConFidence iS wHat wE nEeD

--->diSciPliNe iS wHat wE mUst haVe

--->fOcuS, sTay fOcusEd & STRIKE!!!
yEaH...iT's liKe woRds oF wisDom tO mE..

bTw, hOlidAy iS cOming soOn...

hApPy bUt aT thE saMe timE.
strEsS cOz gOt tO dO pROJects...aiYoh!


nVm..fEw mOre mOnthS tO graDuatiOn
cAn't wAit tO bE 'FreeDom'..

hAve tO wAit fOr feW monThs iS likE 'hEll'

wEll, i'll eNd heRe wIth sOme quOtes

--->liVe liFe tO tHe fullEst

-->smiLe eVen wHen u'Re haVing a hArD tIme

cOz it helP tO eaSe uR buRdeN withOut u realiSing.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

i'M readY tO faCe tHe trutH!!!

haIz...lOt oF tHings hapPens latelY. EverYthinG thAt haPpEnS maKe mE siCk. pRoblEms iN clAss..CA's..pRojeCts..etc..

wIll uPdate morE wHen i haVe tImE.

wEll, tMr bOwlinG..hOPefuLLy eVerytHing tUrn oUt tO bE fiNe..


Thursday, December 6, 2007

i hAtE cOwArD..cOmE & talK iF U nOt haPpY!!! DaMn aSs!!!

hEy pEePs..

i waS sO sO sO daMn fEd-uP...aNgRy & frUstrAtED

wHy??? CoZ sOmEbOdY mAke a pRank cAll tO mE uSinG mY oWn fRienD nAme

i Juz waNna kNow sTh fRoM dAt pErSon...

1st-whY dO u hAvE tO mAke pRaNk caLL iF u hAvE issuEs tO dIsCuSs wiIf mE & tAlk bAd aBt mE

2nd-wHy mUz usEd mY fRieNd nAme's iN tHis mAttEr?? sTuPid righT..

3rd-wHat iS tHe motiVe oF dOiNg suCh thInGs

If i rEallY kNow wHo's dAt coWard..i wAnT tO cOnFRont hIm/hEr

SinCe u stArtEd tHis gaMe...We'LL pLaY aLoNg toO..

i dIdN't kNow sUcH coWards eXists iN thIs wOrld..OhH gOd!

i'M siCk & tiReD Of tHis stUpiD gAme..

cOme oN laR..pleAsE bE mOre maTuReD

yOu *aSs-hOle*

yOu *fUckEr*

yOu *dUmMy*

& yOu *cOwaRd*!!!!!!!!!!!!

i imAgiNe u tHe "coWard" iS iN fRonT oF mE..

i thInk tHe chAiR wiLL fLy tO yOuR fAcE...

i'll rEallY dO dAt iF mY patiEncE iS ovEr..

iF u thinK u cAn sEparAtE mE & frIEnDs,

u'Re dEfinatElY wRoNg..

we'll nOt bE eAsiLy influEnCE jUz b'Coz u UsEd mY frIenD nAme..

cOs tHe tRuth iS wE aRe oNe..

oNe fOr All,

aLL fOr oNe....


I likE dAt...

wHat elSe tO sAy...

oK..i tHiNk i haD enoUgh oF tHis mAtTer..

lEt's jUz sEe wHat wIll haPpEn neXt..

wHaT's yOuR nExT mOve..

& wHo's iS yOuR nExt tarGet..

bUt i wIll nOt stAy quIte

lIfE's iS liKe whEeL & It wIll coNtInUe turNing

thEre's alWays tIme fOr reVenGe

jUz wAit & sEe..yOu "fREaKo"



tRibutE tO "coWarDs"

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

i'M tRuLy hUrT----dAmN fREaKo!!

i'M oFteN hUrT bY yOuR wOrDs

i'm oFteN hUrT bY yOuR beHaViouRs

pLeaSe dO nOt pUt mE iN a hArd sitUatiOn

yOu hAvE kNoWn mE fOr quiTe soMeTimeS

bUt u aLwaYs tEnD tO hUrT mY feElinGs

wItHouT u rEaliSinG

i wOndEr wHy u ChanGed

mAybE i'M nOt yOuR

fRienD aNymOrE

iN oThEr worD oR cAsE

i'M miSsInG u

wIthOuT u reAliSinG

cOz u mAy bE tHe oNlY pErSoN wHo uNdErstANd mE

bUt sOmeTimEs u aLsO aRe lIke tHe rEst

iT's jUz mY fAtE..mAybE

i wAntEd tO bE lOvEd, cArEd oR bEinG tHe beSt

jUz liKe oThErs

i hOpE u stiLL cArE fOr mE

& alWays bEiNg thErE fOr mE

gIvInG mE sUpPoRt & sTreNgth

wE aLL hAvE fEeLiNgS

& oUr owN tHoUgHts

bUt i dON't deNy i tOo hAvE dOUbT fEeLiNgs

eVeRyThing chAngEd sO fAsT

tiMe fLiEs sO fAst

& wItHoUt wE kNowiNg

As a hUmAn beiNg

tHe oNlY plAcE tO sEeK hElP

iS fRoM GOD..AllAh s.w.t

fOr nOw..i HoPe everYthiNg wIll sEttLe sOoN
i dOn't knOw wHy i'M sO EmO tOdAy

mAybE toDaY iS jUz nOt mY haPpY dAy

wE hAvE uPs & doWns iN lIfE

wEll, iT's jUz a wAy fOr mE tO expReSs mY fEelInGs

>>>lAst QuOtE fOr tHe dAy<<<

i Will alWaYs sMilE eVen iF i'M hUrT

u'll nEvEr kNow mY trUe fEelInGs

uNtIl tHe vEry lAsT DaY

i wIll alWaYs cArE fOr u uNtIl tHe enD

anD oNly gOd kNows beSt abOuT mE!

DaMn fReAkO

Monday, December 3, 2007

mOndAy bLuEs...mOndAy bLuEs...!!

hEy pEePs..

hOpE u'rE dOiNg fiNe..

tOdAy iS mY PIC CA1 pAPer,

tHe qUesTiOn iS aCtuallY eAsy bUt wE sTill cAn'T meMorize tHe anSwers. PerhAps, tHe anSwEr iS all fRoM tHe bOOk. aIyOh!

wEll, mY fRienDs & mYseLf tRiEd tO wInK oR aSked eaCh oThEr fOr thE ansWers bUt oUr teAchEr iS tOo sMarT..hE AlwaYs sTaNd aRouNd oUr arEa..haHa! dOeSn't givE cHanCe aT aLL.. :-)

i tHinK mY clAsSmatEs iS tRyInG tO dO thE samE..Yeah..i sTill remEmbEr tHe pHrAsE..aLL FoR onE, oNe foR aLL...

aFtEr oUr papErs, weNt doWn tO mAcDonald's tO compLetE oUr proJects.

sTay theRe fOr a whiLe & wE leaVe. LuCkilY, 'nYonYa wiReLeSs' tU takDe laGi. I thInk tHaT aunT weNt fOr cOmPuteR courSe alReadY. HaHa!

wEll, thIs cOminG 12 dEcemBer...tHere wiLL bE a bOwlIng aCtIvItY fOr aLL BIT YeaR 1 & 2. tHe eVenT wiLL bE aT wEsT cOAsT rEcreaTiOnaL...mY fRiEnDs iS sTill deciDing whEtHer thEy aRe goiNg Or noT.

I haVe deciDeD tO gO fOr tHe evEnTs eVenthougH mY fRiENds iS nOt aRoUnd. hOpEfUllY iT wIll tuRn oUt tO bE fUn..yEaH..cAn'T waIt fOr tHat mOmeNt.

oK dEn..i gTg nOw. wIll uPdaTe mY bLoG sOon aGaiN.

tAkE cAre alWaYs pEePs..

rEmEmbEr tO sMiLe alWaYs...cOz wHen u sMilE...u'll fEeL hApPy & eNjoY lIfE eVen iF u'rE hAvInG a hArD lIfE.

mY fEeLiNGs,