Friday, February 22, 2008

daMn buSy & stRess!!!

hEy gUys
hOpe u'Re dOing fIne
HoO hAa!

lAtelY, i'm veRy veRy buSy dOing mY flaSh prOjectS
neEd tO finiSh iT uP A.S.A.P
& wIll bE gRadUating sOon
Of cOz i gOnnA miSs sChOoL lIfe
seRiouslY i dOn't knOw whAt tO dO afteR gRaduAtiOn
gOt nO chOice bUt wOrkinG
i knOw i cAn't mAke iT tO pOlyteChniC
sO gOt tO wOrk
eaRn mOneY
& aT leaSt cAn heLp mY famIlY

aBt tHe gEntinG tRip
iT wAs quIte stRessIng fOr mE
cOs i gOt nO paRtner
wAt tO dO
iT's jUz mY fAte
lOoks lIke i gOt tO slEep alOnE
hAiz..nO mAtter wAt haPpenS
i wIll stIll gO fOr thE geNting tRip
wIf mY fRIendS

i mIss sOmebOdy alOt
& dAt iS miSs cHua
i mIss aLL tHe adVises frOm hEr
cOs sHe's mY onLy tRue fRiend
sHe iS sOmeOne wHo rEallY unDerstanD mE
sOmeOne whO maKes mE tO becOme cOnfiDent
i wiLL alWays reMember hEr wOrds
sHe remInds mE tO stAy strOng
nO mAtter wAt haPpens
thAnks fOr cOming intO mY liFe cOs
u'Re IDOL iN mY lIfe!!
wEll, gTg nOw.
wIll uPdate mOre sOon!
smIle aLways!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The 7 tHinGs iN mY liFe!!

Seven THINGS that scares me :-
1. Croaches
2. Worms
3. Maggots
4. Bee
5. Big/Red Ants
6. Dragonfly
7. Lizards

Seven THINGS I like most:-
1. Mini Poppers Chocolate Ice-Cream
2. Lamborgini Cars
3. Mazda Cars
4. Lexus Cars
5. mY Laptop
6. Arcade
7. Silat-Martial Art

Seven important things in my room:-
1. My Bed
2. My TV
3. My Radio
4. My Laptop
5. My Red rOund Pillows
6. My Fav Bear
7. My Alarm Clock

Seven random facts about me :-
1. Shy, Quiet & Reserved
2. Crying
3. Singing
4. Sratched my body like mOnkey
5. Eating alOts
6. Go rOunding wif my fRiends
7. Cool, Chill & ShOcked

Seven things I plan to do before I die :-
1. Travel to my fav country alOne
2. HelP mY parents
3. Enjoy life with my friends
4. Change mY image fRom head to toe
5. Find a guy before reaching the age 25
6. Buy new house wif my own money
7. Open an animal organization juz for other pets!

Seven things I can't do :-
1. Be a baby again
2. Pass mY napFa test
3. Please eVeryone in this wOrld
4. Meet Miss Chua as often like before
5. Meet all the CARE ex-teachers
6. Get 3.5 or 4 GPA Points
7. Smoking, Gambling & Drinking cOs dats a bad thIngs to do!!!

Seven things I say the most :-
1. Damn!!
2. Haiz...suSah betul hidup kat Singapore!.(Its difficult to live in Singapore)
4. 4 letter wOrds...L.A.M.E!!!
5. aRRRRRRhh!!!
6. WateVer!!!
7. StUpid!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

uPs & dOwnS

HeY pEePs..
aLot oF thIngs haPpEned
aNd iT haPpenEd sO faSt
mY sO caLLed 'gRandFather' paSsEd aWay
aNd mY cOuz iS dOwn wIth siCkneSs
Of cOz thIs iS a shOckiNg nEws
tO mE
hOpefuLLy mY coUz wIll gEt wEll sOoN
aNd cuZzy sHafiQ
iF u'Re reAding tHis.
I wIll bE haPpy!
& wiSh u weLL sOoN..
mIsS U lOts cUzZy! ;-)
oF cOz i wIll tHe adviSeS tHat wAs giVen tO mE
aNd sChoOl???
YeaH...stRess cOs nEeD tO fiNish mY flaSh pRoject
befOre 25th FeB
i tOt Of dOing cOmics chaRactEr bUt gOt nO tiMe tO dO dAt
sO jUz dOing a siMple
flaSh On cAts
i thInk dAt sHould bE oK
& tO mY cAts...
i lOve aLL oF u..
cOs u aLL aRe mY swEetheaRts
aLwayS & fOrever & eVer..

wEll, GtG nOw.
GoNnA cOntinUe wIth mY flaSh pRoJect
wIll uPdate mOre sOoN
tAke cArE PeePs!!!


Friday, February 1, 2008'S oVer!!!!!

FinallY NAPFA teSt iS oVer.
alSo, PIC CA2 iS oVer.
wAt a reLief!
fEw mOre prOjects tO gO
& wIll bE graDuating.
I'm sOoOoOoOo haPpY cOs mIss chUa rePly mY eMail.
reAlly miSs hEr alOt
i miSsed haVing a lOng chAt wiTh hEr
hOpefully cAn meEt hEr neXt wEek
cAn't wAit tO sEe hEr!
HoO hOo!
i nEeD aLL tHe sUppoRt fRom hEr
tHe wiSdom wOrds thAt wAs uSed tO giVe mE sPirits
tHe aSpire fOr mE
i miSsed aLL thAt.
aNd tO u...sOmeOne wHo giVe mE tHe suPpORt
thAnk u
i wiLL alWays reMember u aS sOmeone sWeEt
wE wiLL alWays bE friEnds fOrever!!
i cheRish eVery mOment i hAd wIth u.
dAts fOr suRe.
Ok dEn
jUz a sHort pOst fOr tOday
wIll uPdate aGain sOon!!
taKe caRe peOple.