Monday, April 28, 2008

lOvE, PeaCe & reSpeCt!

hEllO gUys!
hOpe u're haVing a niCe weEkeNds!
mY pOst fOr thIs tImE iS
peaCe, lOvE & reSpeCt!
beCaUsE iN lIfE wE nEed
theSe thRee elEmeNts
wIthOut lOvE,
wE wOn't bE haPpY
wIthOut peaCe,
wE can't liVe iN haRmOnY
wIthOut reSpeCt,
theRe wIll bE aRgUmEnT
wEll, lEt mE shaRe wHat
haPpEnEd yeSteRdaY
mY famIly & I
wEnt tO
weDDiNg inVitatiOn
@ tamPines
We tOoK mRt
thEn waIted fOr cAb
at tamPines mAll
stUpId taXi dRiver
dOn't wAnt tO gO
arOuNd tamPines
yA lOr...If wAnt tO eaRn mOney
dOn't bE sO stInGy lOr
JuSt wAnt tO gO fAr
aFter reaChIng @ tHe venUe
wE waIted fOr mY aUnts & cOuz
tHey aRe stIll iN tHe bUs
sO wE waiTed fOr abOut aN hOuR
mY cOuz cAlled mE
sayIng sHe reaChed
@ tHe veNue alReaDy
i fInd hEr aLL oVer tHe plaCe
bUt stIll cAn't fInd
aCtUallY sHe wEnt tO tHe wrOng
nO wOnDer cAnnOt fInd
aFter that wEnt tO mY AuNts hOuse
cOs mY cOuz & unCle iS theRe
mY aUnts & cOuz
wEnt tO geYlang
bUy fOod eTc
sO tOoK a bUs frOm tampInes
tO bedOk tHen
tOoK anOther bUs tO jUrOng
wheRe mY aUnt liVes
arOuNd 9.30pm
wE leAve frOm mY aUnt's hOuse
onCe reaCh hOme
i feEl so tiRed
tHe whOle dAy wEnt oUt
nOw mY mOm iS siCk
dOwn wiTh feVer, cOugh & fLu
pIty heR!
tMr gOt tO aCCompAny
hEr gO clInIc
hOpe sHe wIll gEt wEll sOon!
Ok..neXt i wAnt tO taLk abOut
i dOn't reaLisEd
thAt i hUrt sOmEbOdy
nOt i dOn't thInk abOut it
bUt sitUatiOn maKes mE
becOme naSty Or stinGy!
i cAn't thInk wEll
In a suCh wAy
i mAy thInk i'm uSeleSs
bUt i wAnt tO bE diffeRent
i wAnt tO bE A pOsItIvE naQkIah!
yEs i wIll!
althOugh i'm nOt riCh
i dOn't liKe to bE pUt dOwn
iN plaCe oF hOnOuRs!
i JuSt dOn't liKe it!
heRe's iS a sOng thAt i thInk
hAs gOt iT speCial meAning
For whOever dOn't unDerStAnd
Gerhana meliputi segala
Tiada lagi sinaran cahaya
Keinginan tanpa kepastian
Tak mampu rasanya ku teruskan
Ku meneruskan...
Biarlah ku relakan segala
Walau hidupku sebuah tanda tanya
Biarpun tak mampuku bertahan
Tak akan pernahku akui kalah

Masih terdampar ku disini
Tiada jalan mungkinku lalui
Harusnya hidupku dipersenda
Mengharungi dugaan melanda
Ku berserah...

Biarlah ku relakan segala
Walau hidupku sebuah tanda tanya
Biarpun tak mampuku bertahan
Tak akan pernahku akui kalah

Tuhanku ku relakan segala
Takkan pernahku akui kalah
Percayaku yakin padanya
Dia yang menentukan semua
Ku berserah...
wEll, i gOtta stOp heRe!
tIll tHe neXt pOst!
taKe caRe &

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

shOoT mE tIll deAd...i haTe mY liFe & eVerYthiNg! i'M nOt eMo anYwAy! :-)

thAnk yOu fOr vieWing mY blOg
i aPpreciaTe iT lOts
i reAliSe thAt oUr lIfe iS weiRd
wHy aM i saYing liKe thIs??!
i obSerVed eVerythIng arOund me
i cAn sEe thAt sOme peOple
haVe haPpY faMily & gOoD jOb
bUt stIll thEy aRe unHapPy
wIth theIr liFe!
CertaIn peOple dOn't haVe a haPpy sUrrOunDings
bUt thEy aRe haPpY!
cAn U seE tHe diFFerEnt peOple??!
iF u sEe tHe peOple iN tHe wAr cOuntRy
tHe kiDs haVe tO gO thrOuGh
haRd tiMe eVery seConDs iN thEir liFe
althOuGh tHey aRe yOung bUt thEy stIll haVe feElinGs
bUt i cAn sEe thAt thEy aRe haPpY
rUn arOuNd, laUgh, enJoYing aLL dAy lOng
& beIng eneRgetIc.
thAt's wHat i caLLed amAzIng!
i knOw sOme peOple iN mY liFe
tHey haVe a veRy stROng hOpes
& cOnfiDence iN thEm
yEs i dO saLute theSe peOple
becaUse oF theIr hiGh selF-eSteEm
aS fOr mE...
i aDmit thAt i'M nOt stROng enOugh tO faCe aLL Odds
eVerYthIng thAt i weNt thrOuGh
maKes mE stROnger & stROnger
althOuGh sOmetImes iT wIll reAllY maKe mE sO
daMn feD-uP
nO mOod eTc...
It's aCtuAlly hOw GOD wAnt tO teSt uS hUmAn beIng
tO teSt hOw stROng wE aRe
thAt's wHy wE wIll keEp faCing prOblems iN liFe
oNe aFter anOther
i hOpe i wIll stAy stROng nO mAtter
whAt cHallEnges cOmes thROugh mY wAy
wIth sUpPort fRom oThers
thAt iS a bOnUs
sOmetImes i wOnder beIng alOne
iS defInAtely a paIn
whEn u haVe tO gO thrOuGh
all Odds alOne
u wIll defInAtely neEd sOmebOdy
tO bE yOur cOmpaniOn
whEn iN sAd aNd haPpy tiMe
i wIll fInd a sOlutiOn tO iT
aS sOon aS pOsSible
i wIll nevEr lEt u gO iN mY liFe
eVen iT wIll bE aGes wHen i mEet yOu
yOu cAme aNd gO
paSs thrOuGh mE & neVer tuRn baCk tuRn
i'm sO daMn cOnfiDent
i wIll mEet yOu oNe dAy
heRe's sOme speCial quOte:-
"u mUst bE tiRed cOs u keEp rUnNing
thRouGh mY mInd, u'Re a bIg bAd thiEf
cOs u stOle mY heaRt, i mIss bE a
bAd shOoter cOs i keEp mIssIng yOu"!
eaCh aNd eveRy oNe oF uS haVe memOrIes
haVe paSt tIme
bUt wE mUst alSo leaRn tO fOrgEt eveRythIng
& mOve oN tO staRt a nEw chaPter
i hOpe i wIll bE abLe tO dO thAt
& i reAlly wAnt tO dO thAt
i wIll maKe uSe all tHe uSeful tiPs
thAt i leaRn iN seCondaRy sChOol
eveRythIng i leaRn fRom C.A.R.E
i wIll bE pOsitIve
beIng a chIld iS sO fUn
iN yOur mInd
yOu wIll onLy wAnt tO plAy wIth oTher fRiends
enJoy plaYing wiTh yOur tOys
whEn u sAw yOur fRienDs
u wIll laUgh lOud
shOut aNd beIng hYper-aCtive
jUmp arOund
wOw! thAt wIll bE sO fUn
yEah...lIke eveRybOdy knOws
theRe's a chIld in everY perSon
beIng a Kid iS jUst sO fUn
wiSh i cOuld bE a kId agaIn
dOn't u thInk sO tOo??!
wEll, i gOttA stOp heRe.
sEe yA neXt tIme
& taKe caRe alWays!
LOneR ALwaYs

Sunday, April 13, 2008

siCkenIng daYs!

hEy yO pEEps!!!
hOpe u gUys aRe dOing gReat!
i weNt tO cOuz's hOuSe oN fRidAy
hAd a gOoD tiMe theRe
eSpeCially wHen wE plaYed tHe beAr's dRama
sO daMn fUnnY
wE laUgh oUt lOud
dOn't caRe eVen iT iS aT niGht
stAy oVeRniGht at cOuz's hOuSe
& weNt hOme neXt dAy
alSo, i aM haVing feVer & seVeRe heaDaChes
haIz...i haTe feVer eSpeCiallY heAdaChe
tHe paIn iS aS iF sOmeOne hIt mY heAd
wIth sOmethIng haRd
& it gOes rOund aNd rOund
bUt nOw i'M feeLing bEttEr
afTer taKing mY meDiCine

aBt jOb..
i'M stIll lOoKing fOr jOb
nOt suRe whEn wIll i lOok fOr jOb aGain
i wIll fiNd jOb aS sOoN aS pOsSible
alSo, miSsing mY fRiends
i wOnder hOw aRe thEy
hOpefUlly thEy aRe dOing fiNe
wIth wateVer thEy aRe inVolvEd
weLL, fOr mY liFe
i jUz dOn'T waNt tO thInk mUch oF iT
cOz i dOn't waNt tO huRt mY oWn feeLings
i wiSh i cOuld bE haPpY alWays
wIth fRienDs aRouNd mE
sO fRienDs
i neEd yOur suPpOrt
eSpeCially whOeVer wHo knOws mE wEll
oF cOz i'm hUrt wIf sOme wOrds dAt
wAs meAnt tO hUrt mY feelIngs
bUt i leaRned tO iGnOred
& i'M glAd cOz
i wIll nOt hUrt mY oWn feeLings
dAt'S aLL fOr nOw
nOthIng elSe tO sAy
tIll tHe neXt uPdate!
sEe yA sOon!

taKe caRe peEps!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

a mEmOraBle mOmeNt!! "sOb sOb">>>>i'm eMo!!!

iTs hAd beeN a lOnG tiMe
sinCe i uPdaTe mY blOg
yeAh alOt oF thinGs haPpeneD
aLL thIs iS A teStiNg mE tO bE
sTrOng, keEp foCusiNg & cOnfiDenCe
aBoVe aRe sOme oF tHe geNtiNg hiGhlAnds pIcS!!!
dO taKe a lOok...
GenTing hiGhlaNd tRip wAs daMn fUn
a 3 daYs 2 niGhtS tRip
wIll bE a mEmOraBle One fOr me
tHe mOmEnt speNd wIf mY fRieNds
wAs sO gReat
iT wAs sO stRess-fRee tHere
wHen iN sinGapOre
stRess caMe baCk tO oUr miNds
wEll, riGht nOw seaRchIng fOr jOb
a paRt-tiMe jOb
befOre i reAlly gEt seRioUs wIf a staBle jOb
maNy thiNgs ruNning thrOugh mY miNd
yEs..i dO shEd inTo teaRs
cOs i nEed tO lEt iT gO oFF mY mInd
sHaring wIf mY fRienDs dO heLp
bUt i stIll neEd tO bRing mYself uP tO beGin nEw chaPter iN liFe
cOs i'm fOr mYseLf
NobOdy cAn jUdge mE
oR pLan mY futuRe fOr mE
On tHe jOuRney oF mY liFe
i dO mEt nEw fRienD
a fRienD wHo gaVe mE suPpOrT
liKe oTheRs
hOpefUlly oUr fRienDshIp wIll laSt lOng
wEll, i hOpe tO aChieVe mY dReamS
oNe dAy
Dat oNe mOmeNt wIll maKe mE a beTTer peRsOn In liFe
i'M miSsIng sOmeOne In mY liFe baDlY
i wOndEr wIll dAt peRsOn reMembeR mE
i waNt tO cRy On yOur shOulDer
i waNt tO heAr tHe wiSdOm wOrDs
fRom yOur mOuth
dAt iS sTh i mIss mIss mIss sO muCh
u alWays sAid tO mE
"NaqKiah, u gOt tO bE stRonG
onCe u OvErcOme tHe maTTerS, u'll reaLiSe tHe pOtential iN u...
hOw stRonG u'Re iN handLing yOur pRoblEm,
iTs hOw u hanDle iT!"
i wIll alwAys reMembeR tHe wOrds
tRulY dAt wAs sO meanIngfUl fOr mE
Ohh gOsh! i'M gettIng eMo
dAt iS sTh i dOn't wiSh tO bE
bUt i gOt nO chOiCe
i haVe tO thInk pOsItIvE
thiNk oN a bRiGht siDe
dOn't bE neGatiVe
i wIll giVe mY beSt
i'm reaDy tO faCe tHe cHallenGes
oUt theRe!
i wIll pRove tO u
i cAn suCcesS iN liFe!
To mY fRienDs wHo wIll bE enteRing pOlyteChniCs
gOoD luCk tO u all
mAy u all enJoY yOur liFe iN pOly
& suCceSs alwaYs!