Monday, June 30, 2008

~neW ChaPteRs unfOld~

sOrrY dat i didn't uPdaTe
mY blOg fOr feW weeKs
cOs i haVe lOoKing fOr
jObs heRe & theRe..
FinallY i fOunD mYself
a jOb!
I gOt a jOb at NTUC taMan juRong
neaRby mY aUnt hOuSe
i'll be wOrKing @ the cOld aRea
anD daT is
fRoZen & daiSy dePaRtment
i neVer eVer thOught
daT i 'll get suCh a jOb
bUt i shOuld giVe it a tRy
aS i saId all i neeD iS
& of cOurSe
i dOn't want tO tRouBle
mY paRents anymOre
cOs eVerytimE i aSked fOr
mY mOm wOuld naG at me
& maKe a biG fuSs
sO fOr nOw
i want tO eaRn mY oWn salaRy
i'll be gOing fOr tRaining @
QueenStOwn frOm
on wedneSdaY
waT a lOng daY
bUt i will deFinatelY
gO fOr it cOs
it'S wat i'll be dOing fOr
mY jOb
gOt tO be mY beSt
& leaRn aS muCh
aS i Can!
i will staRt wOrk
OffiCiallY on thuRs
frOm 8am-1pm
mOn to sAt
qUite a shOrt hOurs
cOs onlY paRt-time jOb
i will be meeting new
peOples, fRienDs..
hOpe i will get a gOod
Ok den,
i gtg nOw
will uPdate agaIn
when gOt tiMe
taKe caRe peepS!


p/s: u maY nOt knOw hOw muCh i miSs u...deeP in mY heaRt, theRe's onlY yOu!

Sunday, June 1, 2008


a lOt haPpeneD & tOdaY
mY unCle waS aDmItteD
aT hOspiTal aGain
i reaLLy pitY hIm
hE haVe Been siCk fOr
quIte a lOng tiMe
i juSt pRaY thaT hE wIll
gEt wEll sOon aGain
insYallaH aMin!
feW daYs haVe beeN gOing
oUt with faMilY
sO nOw i juSt caN't waIt
fOr Calls tO gO fOr jOb
liKe i saId
FinaLLy i deCline wOrking @ HMI
dUe tO sOme peRsOnal reaSons
alSo i'm nOt cOnfidenCe wiTh it
i knOw gettIng a jOb iS nOt eaSy
and cOmPletting a taSk iS nOt
aN eaSy tHing tO dO
i haVe tO be paTienCe
whIle waIting fOr jOb
caMe tO me
i hOpe theY wIll unDerStand
whAt i waNt tO dO in liFe
all i caN saY iS i waNt eXpeRienCe
i waNt tO leaRn fRom the baSiC
theN slOwlY i wIll uPgRaDe
lIfe haVe lOts of meanIng
fRom the veRy fiRst daY
we aRe bOrn
untIl we dIe
i realiSed we neeD GOD
in eveRythIng we dO
eveRy stePs that wE
taKe & tOok,
dO oR dId!
i wOnDer if mY lifE iSn't
diffiCult and otheRwiSe
i wOn't aPpreCiate liFe
aS muCh i am nOw
plUs i maY nOt unDeRstanD
hOw otheRs feel abOut liFe
etC...sO i shOulD be gRatefUl
wIth whAt i haVe
nO mAtteR itS diffiCult oR nOt
sO i hOpe i wIll staY fOcUs
& aChieVe whAt i waNt iN liFe
Ohh yeS
i'm sO daMn haPpy whEn mY
SpEcial oNe miSs me tOo
wE miSs the mOmEnt wE haD sPenD
tiMe tOgetHer in sChoOl &
memOriEs staY fOreVer
in heaRt anD minD!
i hOpe tO meeT mY sPeCial one waS aGes thaT we neVer
i wanT tO cRy on yOuR shOulDer
pOur oUt mY feeLings tO yOu
cOs u'Re the OnlY onE whO
unDeRstanDs me
fRom the fiRst daY we meet
tIll nOw..eveRy minUtes &
eveRy seConDs
eveRy bReath i tOok reminDs
mE oF yOu
yOu aRe deFinaTelY sO sPeCial fOr me!
Ok den...gTg
tIll the neXt pOst!