bOwliNg aCtiVitY wAs a blAst!!!!
hEy yA!
yEstErdAy wAs sO buSy & dOn't haVe tiMe tO uPdate mY bLog.
fiNally gOt tiMe tO uPdate.
Oh gOsH!!
Well, tOday i reallY enJoyeD mYself..
enJoyed plaYing bOwling @ weSt cOast bOwl cenTre..
i reallY plaY badLy & i geT thE lOweSt sCore aMong all mY
frienDs bUt aT leaSt i triEd.
i'M haPpY fOr dAt!
mY claSsmAtes dO teacH mE tHe techNiqueS hOw tO bOwl
YeaH..I dO gEt sOmE aDvises fRom tHem.
tHkS gUyS! hAhA!
wE pLayed fOr fEw hoUrs
& iT wAs sO sO sO sO uNbelieVable tHat mY cLass caMe iN aS tHe 1St plAce aNd cHampion!!!
CongRats KM!!!
i lOve KM...hahaha!!
aT fiRst wE aRe sHockEd wHen tHe teAchEr pronOunCed tHe reSults..
wE paUsed fOr sOme mOments
& thEn wE shOut HoOrAy!!!
hAhA...all Of uS wAs sO haPpY!!!
wE gEt bOwliNg vOucher
& i thiNk i gOnna uSe dAt vOucher tO plaY bOwling wiTh mY cUZzYs..hEhE!
whiLe waitiNg fOr mY tUrn..
i sAw sOme pHrases dAt i thiNk iS uSeful
heRe's tHe phRase:-
--->pAsSion iS wheRe eVeryYthiNg bEginS
--->ConFidence iS wHat wE nEeD
--->diSciPliNe iS wHat wE mUst haVe
--->fOcuS, sTay fOcusEd & STRIKE!!!
yEaH...iT's liKe woRds oF wisDom tO mE..
bTw, hOlidAy iS cOming soOn...
hApPy bUt aT thE saMe timE.
strEsS cOz gOt tO dO pROJects...aiYoh!
nVm..fEw mOre mOnthS tO graDuatiOn
cAn't wAit tO bE 'FreeDom'..
hAve tO wAit fOr feW monThs iS likE 'hEll'
wEll, i'll eNd heRe wIth sOme quOtes
--->liVe liFe tO tHe fullEst
-->smiLe eVen wHen u'Re haVing a hArD tIme
cOz it helP tO eaSe uR buRdeN withOut u realiSing.